[OTS] Check monsters spawn time in spawn.xml

This script reads spawn.xml file and list monsters sorted by spawn time. You can easily detect monsters with too low or too high spawn times.


$spawnsFile = 'ots-spawn.xml';

function element_attributes($element_name, $xml)
    if ($xml == false) {
        return false;
    $found = preg_match(
        '#<' . $element_name .
    if ($found == 1) {
        $attribute_array = array();
        $attribute_string = $matches[1];
        $found = preg_match_all(
        if ($found != 0) {
            foreach ($matches as $attribute) {
                $attribute_array[$attribute[1]] =
                    substr($attribute[2], 1, -1);
            return $attribute_array;
    return false;

$monsters = [];

foreach (file($spawnsFile) as $lineNo => $line) {
    $line = trim($line);
    if (substr($line, 0, 8) === '<monster') {
        $monsterAttributes = element_attributes('monster', $line);
        if (is_array($monsterAttributes)) {
            if (isset($monsterAttributes['name']) && isset($monsterAttributes['spawntime'])) {
                $name = $monsterAttributes['name'];
                $spawnTime = $monsterAttributes['spawntime'];

                $monsters[] = [
                    'line' => $lineNo,
                    'name' => $monsterAttributes['name'],
                    'spawnTime' => (int)$monsterAttributes['spawntime'],

usort($monsters, function ($a, $b) {
    return $a['spawnTime'] < $b['spawnTime'];

foreach ($monsters as $monster) {
    echo $monster['line'] . ',' . $monster['name'] . ',' . $monster['spawnTime'] . PHP_EOL;

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