Generate big depot

LUA code to generate backpack full of backpacks:

function fill(container, level)
	for i = 1, 20 do
		local innerContainer = doAddContainerItem(container, 2000)
		if level > 0 then
			fill(innerContainer, level - 1)
container = doCreateItem(2000, getThingPos(cid)) fill(container, 2)

One-liner for !lua debug talkaction:

function fill(c, l) for i = 1, 20 do ic = doAddContainerItem(c, 2000) if l > 0 then fill(ic, l -1) end end end c = doCreateItem(2000, getThingPos(cid)) fill(c, 2)

Then put it in parcel and send to depot.

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