When you create new module, you always got problems with OTUI design. Why X element is on that position? What am I clicking?
I can’t solve all these problems, but my module can help you debug your UI without milion prints to console.
With this module you can easily view tree of elements on given position (under mouse cursor):

It also works before login:

Module name: client_ui_debug description: Draws tree of widgets on mouse position author: Gesior.pl reloadable: false sandboxed: true scripts: [ client_ui_debug ] @onLoad: init() @onUnload: terminate()
HighlightWidget < Panel id: highlightWidget background-color: #AA000099 focusable: false phantom: true Panel id: clientUiDebug anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: 20 margin-top: 1 focusable: false UILabel id: clientUiDebugLabel color: #FF7777 background-color: #00000099 anchors.fill: parent text-align: left text-auto-resize: false padding: 2 font: verdana-11px-antialised
local clientUiDebug local clientUiDebugLabel local clientUiDebugHighlightWidget function onClientUiDebuggerMouseMove(mouseBindWidget, mousePos, mouseMove) local widgets = rootWidget:recursiveGetChildrenByPos(mousePos) local smallestWidget for _, widget in pairs(widgets) do if (widget:getId() ~= 'highlightWidget' and widget:getId() ~= 'toolTip') then if (not smallestWidget or (widget:getSize().width <= smallestWidget:getSize().width and widget:getSize().height <= smallestWidget:getSize().height) ) then smallestWidget = widget end end end if smallestWidget then clientUiDebugHighlightWidget:setPosition(smallestWidget:getPosition()) clientUiDebugHighlightWidget:setSize(smallestWidget:getSize()) clientUiDebugHighlightWidget:raise() end local widgetNames = {} for wi = #widgets, 1, -1 do local widget = widgets[wi] if (widget:getId() ~= 'highlightWidget') then table.insert(widgetNames, widget:getClassName() .. '#' .. widget:getId()) end end clientUiDebugLabel:setText(table.concat(widgetNames, " -> ")) end function init() connect(rootWidget, { onMouseMove = onClientUiDebuggerMouseMove, }) clientUiDebug = g_ui.displayUI('client_ui_debug') clientUiDebugLabel = clientUiDebug:getChildById('clientUiDebugLabel') clientUiDebugHighlightWidget = g_ui.createWidget('HighlightWidget', rootWidget) end function terminate() disconnect(rootWidget, { onMouseMove = onClientUiDebuggerMouseMove, }) clientUiDebug:destroy() clientUiDebugHighlightWidget:destroy() end
at end of modules list in modules/client/client.otmod add:
- client_ui_debug
Skąd wziąłeś old otclienta w wersji 1.4?
Byłbym zainteresowany
To jest OTCv8, a nie normalny OTC. OTC skończył rozwój chyba na wersji 0.6.6.
I use this mod all the time, great contribution!
It helps a lot!